Rosco Reunited with Owner After Five and a Half Years

Reunited at last.

It was a microchip in Rosco that helped reunite him with his owner.

Port St Lucie Police say Melinda Fairnot of Hinesville, Georgia was visiting friends in Miami when Rosco, a Shih Tzu got loose.

Fairnot had to return to Georgia after a search for Rosco failed to locate the Canine.

That was November of 2009.

Fast forward to this past Sunday when a call was received about a dog running loose in the SW Becker Road Area.

Animal Control picked up the pooch and checked for information and found the dog had a chip.

The owner? Melinda Fairnot from Hinesville, Georgia.

Melinda and Rosco were reunited in Port St Lucie Monday.

The only question that remains; How did get Rosco get from Miami to Port St Lucie in the five and a half years he was separated from his owner.

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  • Posted 10 years ago

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