Public Hearing August 18 on Amendments to the Land Development Regulations for Dwelling Foundations and Modular Homes
The Martin County Board of County Commissioners will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to Article 3, Land Development Regulations, Martin County Code.
These amendments were presented to the Local Planning Agency on June 19, 2015 and the draft included a requirement for a permanent foundation under dwellings and an enclosure around elevated foundations.
The staff report and draft regulations can be found in Agenda Item 6C at the following link to the Martin County website:
The staff report in the link above includes a supplemental memorandum and draft regulations without a permanent foundation requirement. The supplemental memorandum also provides public comment from the Florida Manufactured Housing Association opposing the permanent foundation as violating the Florida Building Code.
An interim moratorium on the approval of modular homes was adopted to provide time for regulations to be adopted.
The hearing will be held in the Commission Chambers on the first floor of the Martin County Administrative Center, 2401 S.E. Monterey Road, Stuart, Florida. The hearing will be conducted beginning at 9:00 AM., or as soon thereafter as the item may be heard. The agenda for the meeting can be found at the following link.
Public comment, email or US mail, should be addressed to Nicki van Vonno, AICP, Growth Mangement Department Director. The email address is: Public comment sent by US Mail should be addressed to County Administrative Center, 2401 S.E. Monterey Rd. Stuart, FL 34996.