PSLPD investigating the flattening of 38 tires to 10 Animal Control vehicles

On November 16, 2016 at around 9:40 pm, an unknown suspect cut through the secured fence that surrounds the Port St. Lucie Animal Control compound located at 1133 SW South Macedo Boulevard.  After entering the parking lot the suspect cut the tire valves off of 38 tires on 10 Animal Control vehicles rendering them inoperable.

This crime was discovered when the animal control officers arrived at work the morning of Thursday, November 17, 2016 and noticed all the flat tires to the animal control trucks.

Surveillance video taken from the scene shows a single suspect entering the compound by cutting a hole in the fence located on the south side of the parking.  The suspect is seen approaching the vehicles, cutting the tire valves, and then leaving the area through the hole in the fence.

Based on the video police believe that the suspect is a tall, thin, white or Latino male wearing a face mask and gloves.

Police are asking if you have any information on this case to call the Port St. Lucie Police Department at (772) 871-5001 or Treasure Coast Crime Stoppers at 1-800-273 TIPS.

Please view surveillance video:

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  • Posted 8 years ago

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