PSLPD: 5 Drivers arrested on DUI charges July 4th Weekend
Port St.Lucie, Fl ( The Port St.Lucie Police have reported that 5 drivers were arrested over the July 4th weekend.
Here are the details from the Port St.Lucie Police:
While you were celebrating the July 4th holiday weekend responsibly….5 drivers were arrested on DUI charges!
PSLPD Officers have been busy over the last few days keeping our roadways safe. Beginning on Friday night, Officers stopped a gray Chevrolet driven by a 27-year-old man after observing the vehicle swerving on SE Airoso Blvd.
On Saturday night at 11pm, a tan Chevrolet traveling on SW Veterans Memorial Pkwy swerved and almost struck an Officer’s patrol vehicle. Officers stopped the 37-year-old male driver and observed an open beer can in the middle console.
On Sunday morning at 12:26am, a silver Toyota driving northbound in the southbound lanes on SW Bayshore Blvd almost struck and crashed into an Officer’s patrol vehicle. The vehicle initially failed to pull over and later came to a stop on top of a center median. The 60-year-old male driver was more than two times the legal limit.
Yesterday afternoon, Officers stopped a Ram pickup driven by a 52-year-old man for going 68MPH on US1 and discovered the driver had an open beer can in the center console.
At 12:45am this morning, Officers stopped a white Ford driven by a 47-year-old man after observing the vehicle swerving on SW California Blvd, almost striking several mailboxes. The man’s driver’s license had been suspended since 2021.
All 5 drivers were arrested for driving under the influence and taken to the St. Lucie County Jail.