PSL has lowest crime rate for all Florida’s large cities seventh year in a row.

PSL has lowest crime rate for all Florida’s large cities seventh year in a row.

Among all Florida cities with a population of more than 100,000, Port St. Lucie experienced the lowest number of crimes in 2016. This was according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s 2016 Uniform Crime Report.

In 2010, the population of Port St. Lucie was 164,716.  The City has experienced a 12.4 percent increase in population between 2010 and 2016.  The population was 185,132 in 2016.  Even with this population increase, Port St. Lucie had an overall crime reduction of 47 percent during the past five years. Just this last year, crime dropped in Port St. Lucie by 1 percent.

“The crime rate, the number of crimes adjusted by the population, continues this year as an all-time low for the City of Port St. Lucie,” said Port St. Lucie Police Chief John Bolduc. “We have the lowest crime rate for any city with a population over 100,000 in the State of Florida for the seventh consecutive year.”

Chief Bolduc attributes the lowest crime rate in 13 years to the close working relationship and cooperation between the police and the residents of the City of Port St. Lucie, the use of evidence-based crime reduction strategies, and the relentless follow up of reported crimes The crime clearance rate in Port St. Lucie is 42.1 percent while the statewide average is 25.8 percent.



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  • Posted 8 years ago

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