“Permitless Carry” goes into effect July 1

“Permitless Carry” goes into effect July 1

Treasure Coast, Fl (treasurecoast.com)-“Permitless Carry” goes into effect  on July 1, 2023.

Here is what you need to know:

On July 1, 2023, House Bill 543 commonly known as “Permitless Carry” goes into effect. The bill signed by Governor Ron DeSantis authorizes certain qualifying individuals to carry a concealed firearm or weapon in Florida without a concealed weapons license.

It is important to know that although a concealed weapons license will not be required in Florida, the firearm or weapon must remain concealed from the ordinary sight of another person.

“Permitless Carry” does not mean “Open Carry” Firearms are still prohibited in certain places. You may not carry a firearm in areas that a private business or property owner has prohibited them, or into any other prohibited area outlined in Florida Statutes Section 790.06, including but not limited to, schools, colleges or universities, bars, courthouses, and government meetings.

You are unable to possess a firearm if you are a Convicted Felon or Delinquent. The minimum age to conceal carry in Florida is 21 years old and you must have a valid form of identification on you at all times.


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  • Posted 2 years ago

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