Palm Beach County Sheriff
Officials from PBSO and PBC State Attorney’s Office are investigating a Deputy(s) Involved Shooting that Occurred in Unincorporated Lake Worth
Just before 2:00 am, December 13, 2015, deputies located a stolen vehicle taken during an armed vehicle Robbery on Saturday, December 12, 2015. The vehicle was identified based on a specific tag. As deputies were attempting to affect a traffic stop, the suspect, Olie James Goad Jr., DOB: 7/18/67, drove into a business plaza located in the 4400 block of South Congress Ave and bailed out of the vehicle fleeing westbound on foot. While running towards the end of the plaza, Goad encountered a PBSO deputy and threatened to kill him with an unidentified black object in his hands. Goad then continued running on foot fleeing to the far west of the parking lot hiding behind several trucks. Seconds later, Goad ran from behind the vehicles towards deputies holding a large hunting knife pointing the knife at deputies in a shooting stance. Deputies in fear for their lives and the safety of the public fired their weapons striking Goad several times.
Goad was transported to Delray Medical Center where he is currently listed in critical condition.
PBSO Violent Crimes Division and PBC State Attorney investigators are currently investigating this deputy(s) involved shooting.
Five deputies have been placed on administrative leave, with pay, which is standard department protocol.
Olie James Goad, Jr. has committed several crimes within the last 48 hours, to include:
12/10/15 – Bank Robbery to Chase Bank, 200 Lake Ave, Lake Worth
12/11/15 – Armed Robbery to little Caesars Pizza, 5096 Forest Hill Blvd, WPB
12/11/15 – Armed Robbery to KWIC PIC Mart, 9377 Alt A1A, West Palm Beach
12/12/15 – Armed Carjacking from a location in the 900 block of Sumpter Road East, West Palm Beach