PORT ST. LUCIE – Starting Saturday, Jan. 2, the Morningside Branch Library will begin taking appointments for individual assistance with eBooks and other digital resources available through the library.
One-on-one sessions to learn more about eBooks can be made on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. – noon and Thursdays from 2 – 4 p.m. Just call the Morningside Tech Team at 772-337-5632 to set up an appointment. Be sure to bring in you digital devices and eReaders, along with your library card and passwords.
Last year the St. Lucie County Library System increased its eBook and eAudio collection by 32 percent with a total of 5,923 items. The circulation of these digital materials increased 36 percent last year with more than 76,000 checkouts.
For more information about Morningside Library visit https://library.stlucieco.gov. The Morningside Branch of the St. Lucie County Library System is located at 2410 SE Morningside Blvd., Port St. Lucie.