Martin Sheriff: Two dogs rescued after being dumped! Search for other dumped dogs! 

Martin Sheriff: Two dogs rescued after being dumped! Search for other dumped dogs!

Martin County, Fl ( The Martin County Sheriff has reported two dogs have been rescued after being dumped.

Here are the details:
We would like to recognize MCSO‘s Animal Services Officers for not giving up on an incredibly difficult search for dogs that were abandoned on a large parcel of property earlier this week.
Sometime Sunday, the driver of a vehicle pushed out at least four dogs in a dark, heavily wooded area on a two lane highway with canals and difficult terrain.
The driver took off leaving the animals to fend for themselves. Once alerted, our animal services officers (Officer Amanda Heffron, Officer Tabitha Queen, Officer Shannon McGee and Supervisor -Officer Karen Kneubehl) spent hours in the heat walking miles in search for these animals, returning to the area every moment they could.
One of the dogs was recovered by a passing motorist, a second dog was recovered in very poor condition earlier today. Unfortunately, a third dog was hit and killed by a vehicle before it could be rescued. It is not known exactly how many dogs were thrown from the vehicle.
However, our teams scoured the area for miles and will continue to do so. We have not released the location of this incident, for concern that civilians, with nothing more than good intentions, will attempt to search on their own, putting their own lives in danger due to traffic, heat, and other dangerous elements in the area.
Animal services will continue to search for any more of the abandon animals. You CAN help us though. If you have any information about someone on the Treasure Coast, or in a surrounding county that left with a vehicle full of dogs, mainly Pitbull and Great Dane mixes, but returned without the dogs, please call the sheriff’s office. You can remain anonymous. We want to find the person responsible for this cruel act.
Martin Sheriff: Two dogs rescued after being dumped! Search for other dumped dogs! 

Martin Sheriff: Two dogs rescued after being dumped! Search for other dumped dogs!

Martin Sheriff: Two dogs rescued after being dumped! Search for other dumped dogs! 

Martin Sheriff: Two dogs rescued after being dumped! Search for other dumped dogs!

Martin Sheriff: Two dogs rescued after being dumped! Search for other dumped dogs! 

Martin Sheriff: Two dogs rescued after being dumped! Search for other dumped dogs!

Martin Sheriff: Two dogs rescued after being dumped! Search for other dumped dogs! 

Martin Sheriff: Two dogs rescued after being dumped! Search for other dumped dogs!

The two dogs recovered so far are in a safe place and being treated for issues related to the abandonment. We will update this case when we have any additional information.

Editors note:

Please find the people who did this. We see this behavior in Miami -Dade where people drop off dogs in the Everglades and other places.  Been going on for years so not surprised this is starting up here. These people are the worse of the worse. Did the dogs have bite marks that would indicate they were part of a dog fighting group?
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  • Posted 2 years ago

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