Kennels at Fort Pierce Animal Adoption Center reported to be in deteriorating condition

Kennels at Fort Pierce Animal Adoption Center reported to be in deteriorating condition

Fort Pierce, Fl ( – According to a Kennel Attendant the conditions of the kennels are deteriorating.

She posted these photos to Facebook.

She wrote this.

Fort Pierce Animal Adoption Center: where you can adopt not only a dog but ticks intestinal parasites heart worm and who knows how many other diseases.”

Here are the photos. We hope the public can band together and demand a better place for the animals taken there.

I recommend to the Mayor and everyone involved to read this book. The Kindle edition is free. What is going on in Fort Pierce is not working. It takes a community to take care of this. Nathan Winograd will come if you ask him.

Here are a few photos and the link to the video of this poor pit bull laying in who know what is here.

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  • Posted 2 years ago

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