BlueTube Containers to Keep Our Beaches Clean
The City of Fort Pierce and Keep Fort Pierce Beautiful are excited to announce the installation of seven 。ァBlueTubes。ィ at three of our local parks and beaches! BlueTubes are bright blue containers that hold clean, used plastic bags. They make it easy for residents and visitors to keep beaches and parks clean by providing a bag for trash when and where it’s needed. The bright blue containers also serve as a reminder for patrons to take care of the places they love. Beachgoers are encouraged to grab a bag from a BlueTube, pick up trash and throw it away. When people donate bags to the BlueTube, the cycle continues.
The first seven BlueTube containers were sponsored by Keep Fort Pierce Beautiful and two individuals; they are located at Causeway Park, Jetty Park and South Beach Park. Thanks to generous sponsorships, 16 additional BlueTubes will be installed soon! BlueTubes can be sponsored by businesses or individuals for $125 per BlueTube per year or 5 for $500. A portion of the sponsorship money goes towards scientific research on ocean plastic.
BlueTube, Inc. is a small company with a big mission: clean beaches and plastic-free oceans. With a little effort from a lot of people in many places, we can make great things happen. BlueTube is a 501(c)3 company based in Melbourne, FL. The first BlueTubes went on beaches in June 2015. Today there are almost 100 BlueTubes from Jacksonville to Palm Beach. Find out more at
There are many areas still in need of BlueTubes, for more information on sponsorships or volunteer opportunities, please contact South Beach Association’s Beach & Parks Chair, Charlene Adair at 772-285-3757.