.Job Seekers Invited to Attend the City of Fort Pierce Job Fair on January 31st
Over 100 employers and community organizations to participate in providing job seekers with employment opportunities
Fort Pierce, Florida – The City of Fort Pierce and CareerSource Research Coast want to remind job seekers to make plans to attend the largest recruitment event planned in the City of Fort. Pierce. The Third Annual City of Fort Pierce Job Fair will be held on January 31, 2018 at Havert L. Fenn Center located at 2000 Virginia Avenue from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Veterans will receive priority of service entry from 10:00 am – 10:30 am.
This event has broad sponsorship across many county organizations. “At CareerSource Research Coast, we want to arm every job seeker with the tools they need for a successful job search,” said Tracey McMorris, Director of Operations. “Each Career Center has Certified Workforce Development Professionals available to meet individually with job seekers to assess their needs, identify resources and guide them in the process of finding a new job, a better job or even a first job.”
CareerSource Research Coast also encourages all job seekers to begin preparing for the event through registration. Registration is available at https://careersourcerc.com/events/city-fort-pierce-job-fair/and can help expedite the process for job fair entry. To be prepared, job seekers should ensure their resume is up-to-date and have multiple copies available. Workshops are available to help job seekers with resume development, interviewing tips and more. Workshops are free and held daily at all CareerSource Research Coast Career Centers.
Employers interested in learning more about this event can register at https://careersourcerc.com/events/city-fort-pierce-job-fair/or may contact the Employer Services department at (866) 482-4473 option 2 or email rmglass@careersourcerc.com
“The City of Fort Pierce is proud to host the coming job fair with CareerSource Research Coast,” said Mayor Linda Hudson. “We were successful with last year’s effort, and anticipate that our employers will increase their presence this year. The City’s primary goal for our residents is to increase the job choices available. This job fair is a must for those who are seeking quality jobs in the area.”
Job seekers wanting to learn more about the services offered by CareerSource Research Coast can go to the website at www.careersourcerc.comor visit their local Career Center located in Indian River, Martin or St. Lucie Counties.