Gender Bias for Florida Female Lawyers

Gender Bias for Florida Female Lawyers




A survey of young women lawyers by the Florida Bar has found that almost half have experienced gender bias at law firms or in the courtroom.  The Bar’s Young Lawyers Division survey drew responses from 464 women lawyers under age 36 or in their first five years of practice. Nearly three-fourths said they were satisfied with their careers but 43 percent recounted instances of gender bias.

Some women responded that they were referred to by such terms as “blondie,” “little lady lawyer,” “honey,” “sweetheart” by judges and male attorneys. Many are mistaken for court reporters or assistants even though they introduce themselves as lawyers. Bar officials say they are surprised at such results in 2016. Bar President Ramon Abadin will speak at a series of women lawyers’ events during the month of March.

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  • Posted 9 years ago

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