Erin Brockovich waz here!

Erin Brockovich waz here!

“Where is Erin Brockovich?” I have heard this for five years. Every time I heard this I would respond “What would she do?”  After a few years, I would say “She’s not coming. We have to save ourselves.” Then she comes! The entire room of water warriors filled up with positivity and hope. That’s what Erin brings. She brings hope.

I get frustrated when people say to call in other people to fix our problems. We are the ones that have to save ourselves. Not by calling the President but by changing hearts and minds right here. Five years ago I met 7,000 people who were as outraged as me. Five years later, thousands more are educated due to all of us out there who never stopped educating people. You never stop. We changed the Stuart commission. We can change the Board of County Commissions. We can change peoples hearts and minds. We must!

Erin Brockovich brought us hope.

photo by Cristina Maldonado

photo by Cristina Maldonado

We are so very close. Who thought five years ago that we would ever see this fixed? We are literally on the eve of getting the southern reservoir approved. Who thought five years ago we would have a “Stop Harmful Discharges Act?”

Erin said it herself that we are the people who will fix this issue. We the people.

“There is no left or right just right and wrong.” Erin Brockovich



Every morning I write in my gratitude journal. So here is today’s entry.

I am so grateful for Erin Brockovich. She brought us hope.

I am so grateful for Cristina, Jennie, Kim, Michelle, and Troy #toxic18 admins. They give me hope.

I am so grateful to Bullsugar. They give me hope.

I am so grateful to Congressman Brian Mast and his staff. They give me hope.

I am so grateful for #toxic18, all the people there documenting and sharing information. They give me hope.

I am so grateful for all the people who share information about the water. They give me hope.

I am so grateful to all the people who worked to get SB10 to where it is. This gives me hope.

I am so grateful for all the people who never give up. They give me hope.

I am grateful for everyone who has fought this fight for many years.

I am grateful for all of you. You give me hope.

Then at the end of my daily entry I write this every day:

” Thank you for all the good news I will hear today.”

Erin Brockovich waz here. She brought us hope.












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  • Posted 6 years ago

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