How to Create a Stylish Room for Today’s Modern Teens

In case you have started thinking about the importance of creating a special space for your teenager child, you should know that this is a project in which you must be involved together. They are at that age in which every decision counts for them and they are more than aware of modern design concepts and what they want so this is the key element from where you should start the redecoration project of their teenager bedroom. Discover below several important steps and ideas to consider creating a stylish room for your teenager child.

Great Ideas for the Bedroom of Your Teenage Girl

When it comes to girls, fashion and modern designs have no unrevealed mysteries to them at this age. This is what they are interested in so the way in which their bedroom looks like is a real statement of who they are in front of their teenage friends. The transition from a little girl to a gorgeous young lady comes with challenges and such changes are very important to help her be self-confident and always eager to have a great social life.

Everything changes for them when they make this transition. They need different things, their perspective changes and their needs and desires are totally different from the ones they had in childhood. The same goes for their needs in terms of personal space so their bedroom must look totally different than it used to be and include useful areas for their new individual activities and leisure time with friends.

A stylish bedroom for teenage girls needs to be all about perfect design and proper functionality. It must allow them to sleep in, study, move around in search of great new ideas and an area where they can relax on their own or spend time with their friends. Interesting animal print accessories as well as gallery frames and wire graphic mirrors will shift the mood in the room entirely. Combined with a canopy bed, this will become a mix that says fashionable bedroom.

Moreover, you can also go for a modern minimalist design through a shared type of room with great splashes of vibrant, playful hues that give their rooman interesting youthful mood. For your teenage girl, choosing soft toned colors for the bed and the accessories will make it look girly and chic. Adding a simple trendy lamp next to the bed can emphasize this atmosphere even more and prove to be a practical item for their late-night reading sessions.

How to Create a Stylish Room for Today’s Modern Teens

How to Create a Stylish Room for Today’s Modern Teens

Modern Concepts for the Bedroom of your Teenager Boy

When it comes to teenage boys, a redecoration project is also challenging given all the changes they encounter in terms of personality features, needs, desires and dreams that are specific to their age. They need a stylish yet functional bedroom ready to offer them the mood and space they need for studying and spending time with their friends. Modern concepts in this case focus a lot on industrial, minimalist approaches with added neon, bright touches to make this space appropriate for a teenage boy to live in.

You can choose a pipe bed covered with colorful spreadsheets and create sufficient storage space in their bedroom. They will need it because this is the age when they start collecting things and they will need the proper space for this. Floating shelves can be a great option for small spaces as well as storage areas created under their bed or the windowsill. This space should be all about their taste and teenage hobbies. It should become representative for boys so no pink shades that might make them feel uncomfortable should be considered.

How to Create a Stylish Room for Today’s Modern Teens

How to Create a Stylish Room for Today’s Modern Teens

It is always a great idea to ask him what he wants and start from there. Work together during this project and this way you will make sure that the end results will be the best ones. Displaying sports balls, surfs and sports prizes or clothes is the new trend for teenage boy bedrooms. They may also be into music so including an area for their favorite instruments or where they can practice their newly discovered talents with friends is also a great idea.


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  • Posted 8 years ago

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