It will be 32-years since the body of a newborn baby boy was discovered floating in the waterway behind the Landing Condominiums on St. Lucie Boulevard. The infant, who for years, has been known only as “Baby Moses”, was buried in an unmarked grave at a local cemetery. Det…ectives worked tirelessly to determine his identify, locate his family, and find his killer, to no avail.
More than three decades later, Sheriff William Snyder, and detectives with the Martin County Sheriff’s Criminal Investigations Division will re-activate the case, in hopes of obtaining new information that will give “Baby Moses” the justice he deserves. The name Baby Moses was given to the infant by detectives 30-years ago after the biblical story of Moses.
The white male infant was found floating in the waterway along St. Lucie Boulevard on November 25, 1983, by boaters vacationing from Oklahoma. There was no trauma to the body, and a newly cut umbilical cord that did not appear to be done in a medically proper fashion. According to the medical examiner, the child drowned. It appears he may have been thrown into the water from a nearby bridge.
Detectives searched for weeks, but were not able to determine whose child it was, or who killed the baby. If necessary, detectives will exhume the child’s body in an effort to retrieve some DNA. That DNA could link the infant to his birthmother, or father. Detectives are hopeful someone remembers this case, and may have information that could help lead them to the child’s mother, or father.
Martin County Sheriff’s Detectives are asking anyone with information to call Detective Mike Oliver at 772-320-4702, or private message us on FB. Help us find justice for Baby Moses. This post will also remain on Martin County Sheriff’s Office Unsolved Crimes Facebook Page. This is a brand new page dedicated solely to unsolved crimes in Martin County.