City of Stuart Advisory #1 on Hurricane Dorian

City of Stuart Advisory #1 on Hurricane Dorian


Stuart, FL – The City continues to monitor Tropical Storm Dorian as it moves through Hispaniola and the eastern Caribbean.  After that, the storm is forecasted to approach the Florida east coast starting this weekend.  The future intensity of the storm is highly uncertain at this time.
Regardless of future storm track, residents and businesses should have a hurricane plan. They should be prepared with a supply kit to last at least five to seven days.  In addition, the City recommends residents register for Martin County emergency alert services by texting ALERTMARTIN to 888777 or by visiting City will continue to provide updates on the progress of Tropical Storm Dorian over the coming days.

SANITATION & UTILITY SERVICES: All trash and recycling pickup is currently on normal schedule until further notice.  Residents are asked to NOT trim trees or put large piles of debris and yard waste out for collection prior to the storm.  Similarly, residents should avoid the same with any bulk items or large piles of trash as these items may not be collected prior to the storm.  This debris, if uncollected, can become hazardous during high-wind storm events and may pose a health and life safety risk.  We thank residents and businesses for their cooperation.

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  • Posted 5 years ago

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