City of Fort Pierce Commissioners Seek Applications for Board of Adjustment and Historic Preservation Board
Fort Pierce City Commissioners are looking for civic-minded city residents to serve as an alternates on the Board of Adjustment and Historic Preservation Board.
The Board of Adjustment meets the 4th Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. Members must be a city resident to be eligible.
The Historic Preservation Board meets on the 4th Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Members must be city residents and have experience in architecture, history, planning, law, or other historic preservation related disciplines.
Service on these boards require annual financial disclosure filing with the Supervisor of Elections. To fill out an application or see a complete list of Boards and Committees, meeting days and times and any specific qualifications, visit the City Clerk page on the City’s website at: All applications should be returned to the Office of the City Clerk, 100 N US Highway 1, Fort Pierce, FL 34954 or call 772.467.3052.