The Fort Pierce City Commission is seeking individuals to serve on the Communitywide Council. The purpose and function of the Communitywide Council includes the review of the city’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Annual Action Plan, economic development business loan applications, non-profit organizations’ request for funding applications, and proposed projects for recommendations to staff and City Commission. Eligible individuals will be residents of federally assisted housing, representatives of community organizations or otherwise eligible for participation in the CDBG program or of low and moderate income from the CDBG target area
To be considered, applications must be received by Friday, January 6, 2017.
To fill out an application or see a complete list of Boards and Committees, meeting days and times and any specific qualifications, visit the Boards & Committees on the City。ヲs website at: All applications should be returned to the Office of the City Clerk, 100 N US Highway 1, Fort Pierce, FL 34954 or call 772.467.3065.