Celebrating Maggy Hurchalla
According to Wikipedia Maggy Hurchalla was an American environmental activist from Florida. As a Martin County, Florida county commissioner, she pioneered responsible growth and championed environmental causes.
To us, River Warriors, she was much much more. She was someone we could look up to and most of all be inspired by.
Maggy never backed down from doing the right thing. She was smart, strong with the most amazing intestinal fortitude.
She was not only an icon, an tireless advocate for the environment and especially the Everglades she was a person we could take our cues from.
She always encouraged all of us to keep on going. Without ever bragging she told us stories of wild places. She loved Martin County and she fought for it. People gave her a hard time and she really didn’t care. She needed to do the right thing.
She’s won many awards for all her great work. She was a Martin County Commissioner for 20 years.
She was and will always be a treasure for all of us.
Here are some photos & videos.
6:27 I’m in charge of optimism.
Maggy at 2015 Floridians for clean water