Austin & Perry Search Brings Back Memories for Couple that Were Lost at Sea


The search and rescue for Austin and Perry bring back memories for one couple who themselves were lost at sea—twice—and survived.

Len and Lisa Rorke offer words of hope and consolation for friends and family of Austin and Perry.

Len said you never give up and the longer you fight, the better chance you have of being rescued. He says those kids will be fighting just like they fought.

Len and Lisa were lost at sea themselves just last year. They were a thousand miles from land in the North Atlantic after their 50′ sailboat broke apart during high seas. They abandoned ship and scrambled into a life raft. Six hours later, they were rescued by a passing cargo tanker.

Len says, never give up and hope is never gone.

Critical to their rescue was an EPIRB. An electronic beacon, that led rescuers to them.



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  • Posted 9 years ago

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