Perry and Austin Update: AT&T asked for help and refused

Perry and Austin Update: AT&T asked for help and refused

New information in the disappearance of Austin Stephanos and Perry Cohen. In a 128 page report compiled by the FWC, the boys were spotted in distress on the day of their disappearance. There was also a sighting just two days later. While there have been many witness reports, surveillance images and even phone evidence, investigators claim they exhausted any credible leads. A woman staying near the inlet called the Coast Guard several times to report two boys were stranded prior to an approaching storm working on their motor. 2 days later, a pilot spotted a person clinging to a makeshift raft. The pilot lost sight of the boys after he elevated to radio in his position. Despite searching the area several times, the coast guard found nothing.

According to the FWC report the family asked two companies to help track Austins I phone and they both refused. AT & T and snap chat  complied with search warrants and complied with basic information about the phone but nothing else.
“AT&T would not release the phone records with cell tower information to us without a search warrant.” They said they couldn’t get the search warrant because it was never a criminal investigation.

AT&T asked for help and refused

AT&T asked for help and refused

(Which is strange because the coast guard told us at a press conference a few weeks ago from another case of missing persons at  sea  that the first thing they do is get the pings from the cell tower to locate the missing people.” )


Here is a link to the FWC report

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  • Posted 8 years ago

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