Angels chase the Westboro Baptist Church away using pure love!

Angels chase the Westboro Baptist Church away using pure love!

This is an account from our friend Chuck O’Neal

Chuck has been a leader in many issues in Florida including  clean water issues (“Speak Up Wekiva.” ), opposing and taking a leadership role regarding Bear Hunt last year. He is running for Florida Senate. He was kind enough to share his photos and his thoughts from yesterday.

Angels chase the Westboro Baptist Church away using pure love!photocredit Chuck O'Neal

Angels chase the Westboro Baptist Church away using pure love! photo credit Chuck O’Neal

“By the time I had arrived, the five members of Westboro Baptist Church had gathered on a police protected corner of Orange and Jefferson. Surrounding them on the three remaining corners were at least one thousand Orlandoians holding signs reaffirming the rights of individuals to love whom they choose. The WBC protesters started with their usual berating shouts against gays. Those shouts were instantly drowned out by an overwhelming roar from the crowd. Seeing they were getting nowhere, the WBC stopped. Then the Angels appeared, moving silently through the crowd. They lined up between the WBC and the counter-protesters. A cheer went up from the crowd as the Angels stood in silence. Defeated, the WBC walked away under police escort. The Angels solemnly walked in single file behind them. Another roar went up in support of the Angels. The sound this time was deafening. A group hug was held in the middle of Orange Avenue. Strangers hugged strangers. Love had defeated hatred, if not for that one shining moment.

Angels chase the Westboro Baptist Church away using pure love!photocredit Chuck O'Neal

Angels chase the Westboro Baptist Church away using pure love!
photo credit Chuck O’Neal

I asked Chuck “Did you feel like as much as everyone hated them coming this moment had to happen?”

“Yes.” He said. “Their presence gave us a focal point around which to unify – and to send a message, loud and clear: Orlando will have none of hate disguised as the word of God. What they shouted came from a place far south of heaven.”


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  • Posted 8 years ago

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