3 dogs at Emergency Vet in Martin County with same symptoms

3 dogs at Emergency Vet in Martin County with same symptoms

Martin County, Fl- Over the holiday weekend 3 dogs that we know of were brought into the Emergency Veterinary Clinic with the same symptoms.

We just literarily found out that Costa, the golden pictured, was by the St Lucie River near the toxic algae one hour before vomiting began.


I could sit here and write a manifesto against the ACOE, SFWMD, and our local elected officials. The ones we begged for signage.  Costa does not have that kind of time.

From #toxic18 and Dr Cristina Maldonado

“In the last two weeks, there have been 3 cases presented to the Pet Emergency of Martin County of young healthy dogs who live near the river who have presented with sudden onset liver failure. The owners state the dogs were not swimming in the river, but just live on it and have constant exposure.

One dog was known to have been rolling in a dead fish on the river bank. After intensive care, the first two dogs returned to normal, the third is improving as of this morning, but still hospitalized. We are working on making a definitive connection, but all signs point to the water and cyanobacteria toxicity. PLEASE BE AS CAREFUL AS YOU CAN WITH YOUR PETS! This post will be updated when new information arises. If there are any other veterinarians on this page, and you have any other cases you have seen, please speak out.”

Please consider giving a small donation to help with Costa’s vet bill!

We will be updating here and also on the Go Fund me page.

Costa is one of three dogs in our area who have suffered sudden onset liver failure presumed to be due to living in proximity with the algal blooms.  We are working on making a definitive connnection, but all signs point to classic cases of cyanobacteria toxicity.  The owners took proper precautions and did not let their dogs swim in the water, however there is no way to prevent aerosol exposure and dogs get their noses in everything.
After intensive care, the first two dogs, Pandora and Stanley,  are back home, but will need to continue to have their liver enzymes monitored indefinitely.  Costa is still hospitalized.
These families have already spent between $5000 and $7000 each, and the expenses will continue until their pets’ liver values normalize.  This means more laboratory tests and liver support medications.
Any monies made in excess of these families’ veterinary bills will be donated to Kansas State University Veterinary School for more research into cyanobacteria toxicity in dogs.
Please consider donating to help these families and their beloved pets.



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  • Posted 6 years ago

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